Manny Uribe, M.S.

Manny Uribe

Pronouns: He/Él
Web Developer
Dean's Office



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-6138


Lamden Hall - 248A
Mail Code: 1182


Before joining the Dean's Office team in 2013, Manny served as the Web Developer for the SDSU Division of Academic Engagement & Student Achievement and the Pre-College Institute. Manny has presented on topics related to web usability, accessibility, and other best practices at national conferences including the annual Council for Opportunity in Education Conference in Washington D.C.

Manny is an SDSU alumnus having completed his bachelor's in Liberal Studies in 2004. He has a Professional Certificate in Digital Media & Marketing from SDSU as well. In 2018, Manny earned an M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology from CSU Fullerton.

Other Details

Web Help for COE Faculty and Staff

To get support from Manny, please create a ServiceNow IT support ticket (hint: select "Report a Problem")
