Eric Felix, Ph.D.

Eric R. Felix, Ph.D.

Pronouns: He/Him/His
Associate Professor
Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education



Primary Email: [email protected]


Lamden Hall - 229A
Mail Code: 1127



Eric’s areas of expertise include higher education policy implementation, community college reform, issues of racial equity and critical policy analysis. He earned his Ph.D. in Urban Education Policy at the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education. This past year he has been in a postdoctoral role with the Center for Urban Education. A native of Anaheim, Eric is a first-generation college student and a proud graduate of the California State University system, attending Cal State Fullerton for his bachelor's degree and San Diego State for his master’s. He has traveled to 41 states — most of them by car, driving from California to Iowa then New York, and back!


  • Ph.D. in Urban Education Policy, University of Southern
  • California
  • M.A. in Educational Leadership and Student Affairs, San Diego State University
  • B.A. in History, California State University, Fullerton

Areas of Specialization

  • higher education policy implementation
  • community college reform
  • issues of racial equity and critical policy analysis


Eric R. Felix & Ray Ramirez (2020): Counterstories of Policy Implementation: Using Reform to Address Latinx Student Equity, Journal of Latinos and Education, DOI:

Eric R. Felix & Ángel Gonzalez (2020): Using Institutional Planning to Support Men of Color in Community College, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, DOI:

Felix, E. R. (2020). Using State-Equity Reform to Improve Latinx Student Transfer. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 14(1), 21–48.

Mara Benimon, E., Felix, E. R., (2019). A Case for Racial Equity as a Policy Focus. American Council on Education.

Eric R. Felix & Adrián Trinidad (2019): The decentralization of race: tracing the dilution of racial equity in educational policy, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, DOI: