Kelly Johnson, Ph.D.

Kelly Johnson

School of Teacher Education



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-6146
Fax: 619-594-7828


Lamden Hall - 207A
Mail Code: 1153


Kelly Johnson, Ph.D. is a faculty member in teacher education at San Diego State University and a classroom teacher and instructional coach at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC). Although a literacy specialist, Kelly has taught classes in which she models how to implement research supported instruction for English learners and children with disabilities. Often referred to by her colleagues as a teacher’s teacher, Kelly has appeared as the teacher in many instructional videos focusing on teacher modeling, assessment and instruction, effective grouping, and writing instruction. Her current focus is on assessment that supports the differentiation of small group intentional instruction within the classroom. Prior to joining the HSHMC faculty Kelly taught grades 1-5, and worked as a peer coach, and reading intervention teacher.  

Awards & Honors

  • Constance McCullough Research Award, California Reading Association (for study on assessment and diagnostic instruction)
  • International Reading Association’s Celebrate Literacy Award (for significant literacy contributions)


  • TE 930 Teaching Reading/Language Arts
  • TE 902 Classroom Management
  • LS 300 Intro to Liberal Studies
  • TE 630 Seminar in Literacy & Language Arts


Kelly has published in The Reading Teacher, The California Reader, the Reading Professor, and Literacy. She has coauthored the following books: Accommodating Differences among English Language Learners: 75+ Literacy Lessons, Designing Responsive Curriculum: Planning Lessons that Work and Teaching Literacy in First Grade (Tools for Teaching Literacy).