Sera Hernandez, Ph.D.

Sera Hernandez

Department Chair & Associate Professor
Dual Language and English Learner Education



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-1943


Lamden Hall - 332A
Mail Code: 1152


Sera J. Hernández, Ph.D., is the Department Chair and an Associate Professor of Dual Language and English Learner Education at San Diego State University where she teaches graduate courses on language policy, multilingual education, and biliteracy. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked in public K-12 schools and universities for over 20 years. With an interdisciplinary academic background, her research bridges the fields of educational linguistics and the anthropology of education to examine the sociocultural, linguistic and political contexts surrounding educational language policies, bilingual teacher preparation, and bilingualism and biliteracy practices, particularly in border regions around the world. She is currently investigating the professional development experiences of binational educators working and living near the Mexico-U.S. border.


  • 2013 Ph.D. Language, Literacy & Culture in Education, University of California, Berkeley


  • Language Policy and Practices (DLE 601)
  • Multilingual Education: Theory and Practices for Biliteracy Teachers (DLE 515)
  • Biliteracy: Teaching Language Arts (DLE 532)
  • Skills Teaching Literacy to Bilingual Elementary Students (DLE 931)
  • Skills in Teaching Literacy in the Secondary Bilingual Classroom (DLE 933)
  • ELD/SDAIE Methodology in the Content Areas (DLE 915)


Selected Publications

  • Hernández, S.J. (2020). Centering raciolinguistic ideologies in two-way dual language education: The politicized role of parents in mediating their children’s bilingualism. In N. Flores, N. Subtirelu, & A. Tseng. (Eds.). Bilingualism for all? Raciolinguistic perspectives on dual language education (pp.111-131) Multilingual Matters.

  • Hernández, S.J. (2017). Are they all language learners?: Educational labeling and raciolinguistic identifying in a middle school dual language program. CATESOL Journal, 29(1), 133-154.

  • Dabach, D., Suarez-Orozco, C., Hernández, S.J., & Brooks, M. D. (2017). Future perfect?: Teachers’ expectations and explanations of their Latino immigrant students’ postsecondary futures. Journal of Latinos and Education.

  • Alfaro, C., Cadiero-Kaplan, K., & Hernández, S.J. (2017). Migrant education and shifting consciousness: A cultural wealth approach to navigating politics, access, and equity. In M.E. Zarate & P. Perez (Eds.), Facilitating academic success for migrant farmworker students in the U.S. (pp. 94-112). Routledge.

  • Hernández, S.J. (2015). In what ways can school policies limit the authentic involvement of English Language Learners’/emergent bilinguals’ parents, and how can this be addressed? In G. Valdés, K. Menken, & M. Castro (Eds.), Common Core, bilingual and English language learners: A resource for educators (pp. 95-96). Caslon.

  • Baquedano-López, P., Hernández, S.J., & Alexander, R. A. (2014). Thinking through the decolonial turn in research and praxis in Latina/o parent involvement: Advancing new understandings of  the home-school relation. In P.R. Portes, S. Salas, P. Baquedano López, & P. Mellom. (Eds.), U.S. Latinos and education policy: Research-based directions for change (pp. 16-34). Routledge.

  • Baquedano-López, P., Alexander, R. A., & Hernández, S.J. (2013). Equity issues in parental and community involvement in schools: What teacher educators need to know. Review of Research in Education, 37(1), 161-194.

  • Baquedano-López, P. & Hernández, S.J. (2011). Language socialization across educational settings. In B. Levinson & M. Pollock (Eds.), A Companion to the anthropology of education (pp. 197-211). Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Baquedano-López, P., Mangual Figueroa, A. & Hernández, S.J. (2011). An integrated approach to the study of transitions as learning activity: Two cases from Spanish immersion classrooms. In P. Portes & S. Salas (Eds.) Vygotsky in 21st century society: Advances in cultural historical theory and praxis with non-dominant communities (pp. 180-198). Peter Lang Publishing.


  • American Educational Research Association
  • American Anthropological Association
  • California Association of Bilingual Education
  • International Literacy Association